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​A room is defined as being a space in which one may rest and ponder about life. A room is a place where we work on ourselves and spend time with ourselves. With the Metaverse, we thought it would only be reasonable that you too can own a room in cyberspace. For the dreamers and the dream makers, we present ISOPads. This is our first collection containing five unique NFT’s. Each one is a beautifully crafted and designed cubicle. But hey why take our word, when you can see them for yourselves. What are you waiting for, secure your own personnel chamber on the blockchain.

ISOPads (#0/5)


A room is defined as being a space in which one may rest and ponder about life. A room is a place where we work on ourselves and spend time with ourselves. With the Metaverse, we thought it would only be reasonable that you too can own a room in cyberspace. For the dreamers and the dream makers, we present ISOPads. This is our first collection containing five unique NFT’s. Each one is a beautifully crafted and designed cubicle. But hey why take our word, when you can see them for yourselves. What are you waiting for, secure your own personnel chamber on the blockchain.

ISOPads (#0/5)

Lizenz: Keine beigefügt
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 5 %
Mint Adresse: vpBB...of32
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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