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We often only see beauty when we check the details. A glass ball is both a looking glass and an enclosed tiny sphere for beautiful, color-rich treasure can hide.

OrbScape 009 - Forest Symphony


The autumn forests by the foot of the mountains were a sight to behold. As the leaves began to change color, the forests transformed into a kaleidoscope of reds, oranges, and yellows. The air was crisp and cool, and the smell of wood smoke and fallen leaves filled the air. As the sun rose above the mountains, the forest came alive with the sound of birds and small animals scurrying about their business. The trees rustled in the wind, their leaves fluttering to the ground like confetti. Deeper into the forest, the trees grew taller and thicker, forming a canopy overhead that filtered the sunlight into a warm, golden glow. A small creek ran through the forest, babbling over rocks and fallen logs. As the day wore on, the sunlight began to fade, casting long shadows over the forest floor. The temperature dropped, and the air grew still. The trees stood tall and silent, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. As night fell, the forest came alive with new sounds. Owls hooted in the distance, and coyotes howled at the moon. The stars shone brightly overhead, casting a silver light over the forest floor. For those who were brave enough to venture into the forest at night, it was like stepping into another world. The trees took on a new form in the darkness, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. The rustling of the leaves was like the whispering of ghosts, and the creatures of the night seemed to watch from the shadows. But for most people, the autumn forests by the foot of the mountains were a place of beauty and wonder. A place to take a deep breath of fresh air and appreciate the changing of the seasons. A place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and connect with the natural world around them.

OrbScape 009 - Forest Symphony

Lizenz: Pub/NonComm
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 20 %
Mint Adresse: EpoN...97uG
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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