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Helen Finds Inspiration Puddle



multicoloured mulitcolored


abstract expressionism colour

inspired by

Helen Frankenthaler

Out for a walk in Central Park after a brief yet torrential summer downpour, Helen Frankenthaler slips and ends up face down in a large puddle. Her initial disgruntlement turns slowly to wonder and delight. She has found her inspiration puddle... and the rest is (art) history... 7200x4114 @200ppi, 32.8MB This image was created using a selection of text to image AI images made with Adobe Firefly Image (, Midjourney and composited in Adobe Photoshop

Helen Finds Inspiration Puddle

Lizenz: Priv/NonComm
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 12 %
Gelistet von: 3dUV...5rpz
Mint Adresse: DvyP...nsFz
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan