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A collection of machine generated and human curated depictions of samurai and various aspects of feudal Japan. AI components of our images are obtained using apps such as WOMBO Dream, VQGAN+CLIP, ru-DALL-E, Snowpixel and Nightcafe. Plus that special human touch! We grant reproduction and commercial rights to our work.

#44: Fractalised



Ben Roberts

This beautiful animation depicts the core philosophy of the greatest of all samurai: Miyamoto Mushashi. "Seek the way of water" was his credo. In essence, it meant being in tune with the very core of yourself, and being completely aware of the moment, allowing for greater precision in swordplay (and life in general). This sequence similarly shows the emergence of the samurai philosophy from an organic, chaotic and noisy universe. It has grown and become a pillar of strength and respect which even in this ignorant age means something. *This NFT comes with extra content! DM us upon purchase, or visit our Discord.

Ben Roberts

#44: Fractalised

Lizenz: Repr/Comm
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 10 %
Gelistet von: 7w2F...uVie
Mint Adresse: DsVK...DH75
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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