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The Nordenskiöldbreen Collection includes a series of images taken on Nordenskiöldbreen, a glacier on Svalbard and Jan Mayen, the northernmost inhabited island by the North Pole. The images attempt to capture the vast Arctic wilderness, home to incredible wildlife - polar bears, walruses, seals, and more. All images will come with a physical canvas print, signed with a certificate of authenticity. The physical print will be shipped free once the purchase is completed.



ISBJØRN is part of Weisi Low’s genesis NFT collection "The Nordenskiöldbreen Collection". Norwegian for 'Polar Bear', directly translated ‘Ice Bear’, the ISBJØRN image portrays a polar bear exploring and roaming along the Nordenskiöld glacier on Svalbard and Jan Mayen, the northernmost inhabited island by the North Pole on 78°N. In 2019, I put a pause on my city life in tropical Singapore and moved to the wild Arctic with nothing but a 50L backpack. I would eventually spend 2 years of my life living in and exploring the Arctic landscapes on foot, my Polaris snowmobile, and boat. This was an image I shot while I was on a boat. It took us a while to spot the polar bear as its yellowish fur allowed it to slightly camouflage itself in the mountainside. Can you spot it in the image? This image is a personal reminder for myself - opportunities can sometimes be hard to spot, but they’re always there (until they’re not). This piece comes with a physical canvas print, signed with a certificate of authenticity. Ships upon purchase.


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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 10 %
Mint Adresse: DCn1...gjJe
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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