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Armando Zullo H. is a Venezuelan artist and set designer living in Caracas. His main interest lies in finding ways to use colors so he can express his unique style while bringing his motivations into both abstractionism and figurativism, all this through great and self-demanding efforts. At the beginning of the nineties, the practice of the artist became more rigorous as he studied drawings and paintings, spaces and scenarios, as well as the great influence of classical and lyrical expressionism in Art. He also began to research on colors, setting up what would later become a signature of his artwork and bringing to life his unique style. Since the beginning of his career, free composition has been a steady presence in the artwork of the artist due to his constant search for the creation of color over color, whether creating figurative or abstract pieces. The carbon pencil and pastel drawing techniques were used through his first years, setting the foundations of a strict beginning with aquarelles and oil painting. Throughout his life, Armando Zullo has had very important teachers and masters. However, the most relevant due to their influence in his way of seeing colors and life have been Onofre Frías and Jim Dime from whom he learnt drawing and color techniques and approaches; Mercedes Pardo who taught him everything about using colors; Susana Amundaraín from who he learnt about “dripping”; Armando Barrios who showed him about the purity of traces; and Gunther Schncider Sicmsscn, who taught him about composition and space. When talking about his artistic influences, he will passionately begin to tell you about Armando Reverón and Alejandro Otero’s concepts and compositions; Patricia Van Dalen’s colors; as well as the great contributors to the Expressionism movement –with which he feels deeply aligned to- such as Jackson Pollock, Vincent Van Gogh, Oskar Kokoschka, Wassily Kandinski and Edward Munch.
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