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This Anime Art project is inspired by Brain Emulation. Total supply of #010 reached ! the first buyer will receive a special grade for free.



Warm welcome to the 9th resident of the World of Uploaded ! #9_Singer ! The Glitch community is so touched by her innocents and purity of her voice. The strength of following her dreams amazed everybody around. She was born blind, but not seeing never stood in her way of success. She is gifted by gods and touched by angels. Singer is the first one out of her family to be uploaded to The Glitch, the rest are getting ready and will arrive soon.
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Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 5 %
Gelistet von: ErzK...LoHQ
Mint Adresse: C7DZ...5ySX
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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