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The collection includes all the graphic images found in the debut novel: “The Survival of a Civilization. The Ring of Fire” by Liviu C. Tudose and are all made by the author. One book, many options: Fantasy | Adventures | Motivational | Love | Nature

Chaos and Hope



The Survival of a Civilization. The Ring of Fire


Fantasy | Adventures | Motivational | Love | Nature


Chapter XVI of the Book


Yellow, Brown, Black, Blue, White


Liviu C. Tudose

Official book page:

Chaos and Hope - One of the first graphic marks of the book (inside): „The Survival of a Civilization. The Ring of Fire” by Liviu C. Tudose. It was made a year before the book was published, in late 2019. At that time it was just a vision on which the future graphic concept of the debut book was built.

Chaos and Hope

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