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Art-inspired by the one almighty God. Every piece will contain one scripture and a cross that will emulate the context of the scripture. This is an attempt of spreading ministry within the NFT community. All pieces will be very affordable for anyone to have but since all endeavors should go with a relationship with God, Jesus, and the holy spirit there is a 50% Royalty attached to every cross set as a reminder of the relationship we need to have with god. I hope to spread these and keep them affordable for everyone that is why the price is so low. Matthew 6:24 -- No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Mark 9:24




Mark 9:24 Lord I believe; help my unbelief. ------ So in this world, we have thoughts that take us into a logical run of doubt. The enemy loves when doubt has taken over and shakes the very foundation of our faith. You need to remember that Christ and God know this. Christ came on this earth to know the mortal struggles of men and women of this earth. Through, solitude and reflection with God he can great you the power to overcome the wickedness of doubt, fear not, he is always with you and will never forsake you. I found this prayer to say when you feel doubt come in and invade your thoughts. ------ Dear Lord, I desire to hear You speak to me. Help me to open my ears to hear so that I may know You and discern Your perfect Will for my life. I desire to be led each day only by You and to trust in the gentle guidance of your holy Will. Jesus, I trust in You.
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Mark 9:24

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Mint Adresse: AfT8...EA6S
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