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A small collection of only 32 unique pieces. Each piece is derived from the same work created with a traditional technique (watercolor on paper) and subsequently processed with AI techniques. Each piece was reworked until the desired result was obtained. Finally, a selection of the most interesting pieces was made. This creative process allows me some freedom in the creation of the base work, using a traditional technique that I love, leaving me the possibility to use the power of digital tools and AI. For my first collection, my goal is to make my work known, rather than trying to make as much profit as possible. I thank in advance those who want to trust me even though I am a stranger taking the first steps in this market. Thank you with all my heart.

Soul Flowers #32


A small collection of only 32 unique pieces. Each piece is derived from the same work created with a traditional technique (watercolor on paper) and subsequently processed with AI techniques. Each piece was reworked until the desired result was obtained. Finally, a selection of the most interesting pieces was made. This creative process allows me some freedom in the creation of the base work, using a traditional technique that I love, leaving me the possibility to use the power of digital tools and AI. For my first collection, my goal is to make my work known, rather than trying to make as much profit as possible. I thank in advance those who want to trust me even though I am a stranger taking the first steps in this market. Thank you with all my heart..

Soul Flowers #32

Lizenz: Pub/NonComm
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 10 %
Gelistet von: H6eJ...S33v
Mint Adresse: 9kcf...t9ic
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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