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While creating a 3d avatar of a woman, an error appeared in the texture. It became a utility and a digital visual poetry. As an Artist I'm always exploring how to identify and use the unprecedented mistakes in the work process. The project is about computer's help to find the unplanned beauty beyond the expected processes. This is a part of a wider #fakealphapixel project, where I explore value of digital assets.


I grew up overshadowed by long landscapes Here I am devoted The way you look in your purple-green skin

GLITCH WOMAN deconstruction #5

Lizenz: Pub/NonComm
Gemintedauf SolSea
Prüfe alles doppelt, bevor du kaufst!Wie erkennt man Fälschungen?
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 10 %
Gelistet von: 3pnE...ZTqF
Mint Adresse: 8z5R...7kBa
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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