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A collection of machine generated and human curated depictions of samurai and various aspects of feudal Japan. AI components of our images are obtained using apps such as WOMBO Dream, VQGAN+CLIP, ru-DALL-E, Snowpixel and Nightcafe. Plus that special human touch! We grant reproduction and commercial rights to our work.

#41: Looking Back



Ben Roberts

Every road comes to an end, every story pauses somewhere, before beginning again somewhere else. What must an old warrior think as he or she reflects on past battles and past defeats?

Ben Roberts

#41: Looking Back

Lizenz: Repr/Comm
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 10 %
Gelistet von: C2fP...cbvi
Mint Adresse: 7Qw8...8p9Q
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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