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This consists a Blueprint & 3D model of the Russian Roulette Collection. To complete it fully, contact Timo van Wyk Jewellery to order the tangible product to wear. NOTE: Prices listed in this collection are the prices of the NFTs itself. The Tangible product will be priced separately when ordered.






Background Rarity

Legendary Colour


Timo van Wyk

Tangible Form


The Russian Roulette Ring is a kinetic ring with the inspiration of a revolver bullet chamber. Wear it, Spin it, What's your chances? It's called "RING #001" because it has it's blueprint named "BLUEPRINT #001", turning it into a collection. The "#" will be related with it's blueprint numbering. This ring is handcrafted by Timo van Wyk. Contact him @timovanwyk for a quote.
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RING #001

Lizenz: Pub/NonComm
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 9 %
Mint Adresse: 61H9...3mu6
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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