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Yalım Vural | 1978 Turkey | 1996 Lycee Saint Joseph | 2002 Dokuz Eylül University Fine Arts Academy Photography | 60k follower on Instagram - @vuralyalim. "This is a limited edition of 10 copies of a photo that is very special to me. The motif represents my typical style. As an artist I can't imagine a world without photography. Photography has never been an image for me. I always look for more than an image in my photos. Photography is a language. My goal is always to be unique. All you have to do to produce is to shoot and dream." (Yalım)

Rainy dream


Rainy dream by Yalım Vural | 2021 | 3206x2401 | One of my street dreams | NFT 7 out of 10

Rainy dream

Lizenz: Pub/NonComm
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 10 %
Mint Adresse: 4VuC...ESsM
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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