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Some of my favorite watercolour art minted as unique NFTs. There can truly only be one of each, and each piece represents the joy I felt while i co-created them. Follow me on twitter: @synchronised369

Great Awakening 2021


Looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odour or fragrance, and talks without thinking. -Leonardo da Vinci on the human mind There is a great awakening taking place in the world today. An incredible number of people, compared to the number from just 25 years ago, are waking up every week and every day to the fact that they are spiritual beings in a physical body, and life doesn’t end when our body dies. Eager to find out more, the most curious and courageous of these people start searching for more information. Full of enthusiasm, they start meditating, reading about the subject, and in their own personal way begin to improve themselves and raise their consciousness. They may also realize that their health is very important and, therefore, start eating healthier. Hopefully, most of them, eventually, will come to the insight that they also need to balance it out with their dark side or vice versa. In the WPP, I talked a lot about the nano-second. ”This is a term that was coined by the Pleiadians and channeled by the medium Barbara Marciniak from North Carolina. The nano-second was basically the term they used for the time period between 1987 and 2012, when the mass awakening on the planet occurred due to our solar system’s alignment with the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy of which the Sun and the Earth are a part. Enormous quantities of energies were released, particularly in the gamma ray spectrum, hitting the Sun and the Earth with full force. This was gradually happening as these cosmic bodies came more and more in alignment—the results from a process that has affected us since approximately 1987. The alignment with the Central Sun of the Galaxy had a lot of consequences for us here on Earth. Time literally sped up a million-fold, and people could, if they put their minds to it, learn and progress more during these 25 years than they would in a million years otherwise. Parts of our DNA were lit up and energized—parts that had previously laid dormant in our body system but now started to operate as they are supposed to. This led to an increase in awareness and consciousness in a short amount of time. A fast cosmic process like this could occasionally be hard on the neurological system, and people sometimes ended up with all kinds of neurological problems that the doctors couldn’t explain. Those who understood the process, however, went with the flow, and in many cases, their physical problems resolved after a while, or if they still haven’t as of this date, there is still a chance that they will soon, as the solar system is now slowly moving out of alignment again. No one on this planet was unaffected by the galactic alignment. However, not everybody took the opportunity to learn and progress on this free ride toward a higher consciousness. In fact, the majority of people did not care to educate themselves and acknowledge what happened. Instead, they tried to stay within their old norms as much as they could, such as watching reality shows on TV or cheering for their favorite football team on the weekend with a six-pack of beer. Many people got very ill, and some even went insane because they did not understand what was happening. The suicide rate increased quite dramatically during this period as well. One may wonder why so many people who had this one-chance-in-a- million-years to educate themselves and take advantage of the information from those who had awakened didn’t care to do so. You, who read this book right now, are awakened, relatively speaking, and both you and I have experienced how hard it can be to convince somebody how important it is to learn more about what’s going on and about whom we are and where we come from. We may even have been given a wonderful example of how things work, backed up with evidence. The other people seemed to grasp what we were saying and might even have agreed, but nothing seemed to trigger an interest to find out more. This is very unfortunate because those who didn’t take the opportunity to wake up will not get another chance like this for, perhaps, another million years. Even if an alignment with the galactic center is not extremely rare, nano-seconds are! The problem with humanity is that many have lost their curiosity. No one can say that the information is not there for everyone to see—the entire Internet is full of it, and anyone can learn something by only using a search engine. Instead, they use search engines to google products they wish to buy, such as new smart phones and other high-tech devices. That, to them, is a more interesting and important than learning about themselves and the situation they are in. This is how dumbed-down humanity has become from the manipulation we’ve been subjected to for a very long time. I am not putting any judgment behind it—I am merely stating a fact. Sadly enough, the consequences for ignorance are severe, which people will realize in the future when it may be too late to do anything significant about it. The year 2012 was also like a fork in the road, where people finally decided which route they want to take from here on. People’s timelines came together, and for some, it was overwhelming, and they couldn’t handle it—whereas, others who were more prepared had an easier time to adapt and instead used this as a springboard to get over the next threshold to higher consciousness. Basically, we can choose one of two paths for the future, and from these, an infinite number of versions of these paths will be created as humanity moves on. The main paths can be seen as two trees standing next to each other with their roots connected. The trunks signify the two main paths (or timelines), and the branches on the trees symbolize parallel timelines, slightly different, but on a similar theme as the main timeline. Eventually, the roots that connect the two trees will break, and each tree will grow independently from each other. The two main timelines leading into the future are The Machine Kingdom and The New Era of the Enhanced Humanity, where the latter is the faction of mankind who evolves independently from technology and help from so-called gods who don’t have our best interest in mind, even if it may seem as if they do. The truth of the matter is, which the reader will find out after having finished the WPP, that mankind is already multidimensional, but we have forgotten what it is, and we have to learn how to reconnect with our inner selves, and that’s one of the major themes in this book. Those who spiritually awakened during the nano-second and learned about what is happening here on our own planet will distinctively choose The New Era of the Enhanced Humanity and become increasingly less interested in all the high-tech and nano-technology and the way they are applied by our scientists. -© Copyright 2013 Wes Penre Productions,, 1st Edition

Great Awakening 2021

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