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Immersive Solana NFT project, centering around a play & earn, Web3 MMO strategy game with lore, utilities, and multiple collections 🚀Warp 🔭Explore 💥Battle Introducing the Lead characters of our interstellar voyage.

The Scientist



The Scientist

A leading player in Astrophysics, her work has been crucial to several developments in space travel - including harnessing Zero-Point energy. She has given most of her wealth away and continues to look to the stars for answers to today’s problems. She dreams of one-day exploring galaxies outside of her own.
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Pirate Francois

The Scientist

Lizenz: Repr/Comm
Gemintedauf SolSea
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Lizenzgebühren auf Sekundärverkäufe: 10 %
Mint Adresse: 2CE2...7W5q
NFT-Metadaten: Ansicht auf SolScan
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