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    Angebot 3



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    Back then I lived in a beautiful region on the Western side of the Ukraine. On one side is the Dniester River, which is partly still there. From the other side, the picturesque Carpathian Mountains can be seen on the horizon. There are many fields surrounding this area. A lot of worry and anxiety existed in our battles. Our five children were very young, and I worked several jobs. But when there was a good light, and a free moment, I took the opportunity, grabbed my camera and ran into nature. At such moments, if you look around, the world is so beautiful. Our Creator has scattered so many wonderful things around us. You just have to learn to notice it. Today I look at these photos and they shout to me "Hey! Get out of your routine and look around! What looks bad today is not a tragedy. Not even a drama. Tomorrow, you will already draw conclusions from today's mistakes and be wiser. And life continues all around and it is beautiful. Our Creator sends rain and sun for all of nature. How much more will He bless you!” So, in buying this photo you will purchase not only a beautiful image of nature. This is good motivation to walk through life with your head held high!